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Writer's pictureCrystal Redford


Updated: Nov 5, 2022

Esther was audacious when she marched unbidden into the inner court of King Ahasuerus, risking her very life to petition for her people. Esther's name means "I am hidden." How fitting: she was a Jew in exile. As a survivor, I've felt hidden and exiled too, and I know I'm not the only survivor who feels like that. How I love Esther for choosing light over shadow. How very risky, how very scary it was for her. And so it is for us survivors who finally feel ready to walk into the court of our wards, our communities, the publishing industry unbidden and brave.

And if at this moment you're more like Chapter 2 Esther, feel no shame. Your God grants you hesed (kindness) now because of who you are, not because of what you do. Keep fighting.

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